Bethesda-Chevy Chase Crew is a club sport of Montgomery County Public Schools and, as a club sport, it receives no funding from B-CC High School or the county school system. The purchase and maintenance of equipment, coaches’ salaries, athlete scholarships, Thompson Boat Center fees and insurance come from parent dues, donations and fund-raising events in the community. 100% team participation in the major fundraising events planned for each season (specifically the Wreath Sales and Raffle) is essential in running a safe and competitive rowing program for our athletes.
Donations of any amount support equipment purchases, scholarships, and operations. B-CC Crew Boosters, Inc. is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 52-1861272). Donations for which no goods or services have been provided are tax deductible as permitted by law.

Annual Events
Raffle (September through October)
Each team member is expected to sell raffle tickets to friends, neighbors and relatives interested in winning some great prizes. Information on the raffle is announced each year in September at the fall session general meeting. The raffle replaced the “ergathon”, and has been a very successful fundraiser for the team.
Wreath/Candle Sales (Mid-November through Mid-December)
Each team member is expected to sell 20 holiday wreaths and/or boxes of Hanukkah candles. Forms are distributed at the winter session general meeting for new and returning B-CC Crew families and are made available on the web site at that time. Our annual team goal for this fundraiser is $35,000.
B-CC Crew Spirit Wear Sales
Show your support for B-CC Crew by purchasing Spirit Wear for team members, their families and friends. Spirit Wear is generally a break-even operation, as our goal is to encourage team spirit by wearing and using the items, but if there are any proceeds, they are reinvested to support the team. Visit the SHOP section of our website for a direct link to our Spirit Wear vendor.
B-CC Crew Restaurant Nights
Held throughout the year at local Bethesda restaurants, these events are a great way to support B-CC Crew and eat some good food at the same time.