B‐CC Crew Boosters Inc. Is a Maryland 501(c)3 non‐profit corporation
Mailing address: P.O. Box 15361, Chevy Chase, MD, 20825
The Cost of Maintaining a Rowing Club
Since its modest launch in 1993, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Crew has grown into a nationally recognized scholastic rowing program, one of the most successful in the Washington area. Each season, B-CC Crew races local, regional and national competitors at rowing regattas that attract thousands of rowers and spectators. In the past ten years, B-CC rowers have finished in the top three in numerous championship regattas, won the Stotesbury Cup, medaled at the SRAA Nationals, qualified for the Head of the Charles and made the Washington Post’s All Met list. (READ MORE ON OUR SUCCESS PAGE)
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Crew is a club sport of Montgomery County Public Schools and, as a club sport, it receives no funding from B-CC High School or the county school system. B-CC Crew Boosters, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was created to support the team. We continue to grow, and currently have over 110 athletes who are members of the B-CC rowing team.
The cost of maintaining the sport can be broken into two categories: program expenses and administrative expenses. Program expenses include but are not limited to the purchase and maintenance of equipment, coaches’ salaries, regatta fees, athlete scholarships, Thompson Boat Center fees and insurance. Administrative expenses include but are not limited to bank, legal and professional fees, office supplies, postage, printing and advertising fees. B-CC Crew Boosters, Inc. strives to keep administrative expenses as low as possible to devote as much revenue as possible to the program.
Rowing Club Revenue
The money needed to run B-CC Crew’s Club program comes from athlete participation dues, donations, fundraising events and other miscellaneous revenue sources. The other sources include off-season equipment rental, bank interest and collections taken at regatta cookouts.
Importance of Getting Involved
Our success would not have been possible without the support of our athlete’s parents, friends, donors and sponsors. B-CC Crew Boosters, Inc. is committed to making the sport accessible to any athlete with an interest in rowing. In order to accomplish this we rely heavily on donations, sponsorships and fundraisers. Please consider getting involved today. Use the links below to explore, for more details or to make a direct donation.