Fall Program
Dates for Varsity: early September - end November
Dates for Novice: Session I: mid September - mid October, Session II: mid-October - mid-November
Novices learn the sport of rowing after school at the Thompson Boat Center (TBC) in Georgetown. Students travel by Metro to Foggy Bottom followed by a short walk to TBC. Varsity athletes escort novices a few times the first week of practice. Pick-up is by parent organized carpool. Novices compete in one regatta in the fall at Thompsons.
Varsity athletes practice after every afternoon after school throughout the school-year. Regattas are held on Sundays and are 5k head races. In October, select boats may travel to the Head of the Charles in Boston.
Winter Training Program
General Dates for Varsity and Novice: December - February
Early December through February, novices and varsity train indoors everyday after school, excluding the winter beak.

Spring Program
General Dates for Varsity and Novice: Early March - Mid-May
Novices and Varsity squads practice every day after school at Thompson Boat Center in Georgetown. Athletes must participate in obligatory twice daily practices during B-CC spring break. On days with poor weather or river conditions, coaches will notify athletes directly if practice will be held elsewhere. Most novice and varsity races are on Saturdays, except for the Washington Metropolitan Interscholastic Rowing Association Championships, which is held on a Sunday. Spring regattas are 1500m sprint races. Select boats travel to the Stotesbury Regatta (mid May) and the Scholastic Rowing Association championships (end of May).
Summer Middle School Camp
General Dates: July - August
B-CC Rowing offers a summer rowing camp for rising eighth and ninth graders. Students from all schools are welcome to attend. Our program targets the fundamentals of rowing: proper rowing technique, effective racing strategy, good sportsmanship, and equipment management. NOTE: the program is not designed for multiple weeks, but rather each week the experience is repeated from the beginning to maximize learning for all campers.